Colour Astrology

Colour Astrology 

Red - Aries, sign of fire, is energized by strong red colours Capricorn's gemstone is the red garnet. Scorpio also enjoys the Fiery passion of red. -

Yellow - Gemini, a dual sign, has a single strength as far as colours go. Their base colour and stone colour both draw from the yellows of the sun. Leo the lion enjoys sun-colours as well.

Green - Capricorn draws strength from rich greens. Pisces, the fish sign, tends towards the paler greens.

Blue - Aquarius has a base colour of deep blue, the depths of water. Taurus, the stable sign, enjoys the lighter blue of lakes and streams.

Indigo - Libra is a sign of balance, the deep purple appeals to libra.

Violet - Aquarius has the amethyst as its gemstone, which is a - light purple. Saggitarius enjoys the more rich purple colour.

Brown - Virgo is the sign of strength, of earth. Virgo enjoys the browns that come from the stability of our land.

White-Aries' gemstone is the diamond, brilliant white. Cancer enjoys the more subtle whites in a pearl.

Silver - Cancer's energizing colour is silver.

Colour impacts on astrology:

White colour impact on human beings


Gold by nature but stables, dependent and loyal. Cool and calm in an emergency. Carries cleanliness to extremes. Hard worker and meticulous. Very practical, generous and fond of outdoor sports.


Pure, noble, clean-living. gentle, unassuming. kind, unselfish. Rather reserved but good company all the same. Neat and orderly, efficient, fair-minded and just. Often conservative in every way. Unafraid and confident.

Yellow colour impact on human beings


Timid, afraid of danger, fond of being liked and admired. Apt to exaggerate, but capable of getting on well with others.

Red colour impact on human beings


Courageous, a real he-man, a daredevil unafraid of danger, unconventional, impudent, rash. Will overcome all obstacles but incapable of sustained concentration and always impatient. Quick-witted but not methodical.


Gossipy, reserved, secretive where their own affairs are concerned. Only fond of small talk, inquisitive, rather miserly, but can be very helpful.


Vivacious, gay, merry, daring, but hot- tempered and careless. Fond of living a gay exciting life. Full of energy and vigour. Great fighters. Often happy- go-lucky and irresponsible. Apt to be rather selfish.

Purple colour impact on human beings


Have expensive tastes, fond of show, rather "stuffy" by nature. Lazy in actions though capable of great activity. Reserved and have a way of being condescending that makes them unpopular. Will often put on airs and are likely to get into debt.


Very fond of show and luxury, comfort, high position. Need a lot of attention paid to them. Very ambitious and will try their utmost to achieve their ambitions.

Pink colour impact on human beings


Stronger mentally than physically. Lack aggressiveness and are rather timid. Nervous, sensitive, soft in speech and often jittery. Apt to be servile to other.


Gay in a reserved way, happy, good- natured, but not flighty or irresponsible. Often timid and cautious and have a retiring nature but are not morose.

Orange colour impact on human beings


Good-tempered, even in their moods, tolerant, for bearing and kind. Fond of children. They dislike arguments and petty quarrels. Make few friends but good ones.


Friendly, warm and pleasant in their relations with others. They make few but loyal friends, never becoming too friendly. Like a certain amount of show but not vulgar display. They will stand on their rights and will not allow to be pushed about.

Green colour impact on human beings


Rather irresponsible, restless, fond of change. Generous and good-natured, happy-go-lucky, but dependent on others. Socially inclined and fond of gay times and company. Witty, entertaining talkers, not very reliable, but obliging in every way.


Good talkers, with an agile mind, brilliant, witty, quick at retort, which is often cynical or sarcastic. Quick at grasping things but inclined to be lazy, and not fond of physical activities.. Lack perseverance and not always quite reliable. 


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